Jeremy Buckingham MLC | Coal Seam Gas, CSG, Media

Gas industry advertising campaign a sign of desperation

Posted on 05 September 2011 by maxphillips
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5 September 2011

The Greens mining spokesperson, Jeremy Buckingham MLC, has labelled as ‘desperate’ a new ‘We Want CSG’ advertising campaign launched by the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) yesterday.

“The gas industry seems to think it can spend millions on a slick advertising campaign to paper over the legitimate concerns of farmers and communities about the impacts of coal seam gas on water systems, agricultural land and the environment,” said Greens MP Jeremy Buckingham.

”Australians have well-honed bullshit detectors, especially when it comes to big oil and gas companies that have long histories of deception and environmental disasters.

“An August Galaxy Research Poll revealed that 68% of Australians (74% in NSW) support a moratorium on the industry until its impacts are known, and 70% want coal seam gas mining banned in cities and towns.

”More than 100 community groups have joined the Lock the Gate Alliance, with thousands of farmers locking the gate against the gas companies. Their real stories have more impact than a 30-second commercial.

“Santos has already spent millions on a glossy advertising campaign, now APPEA have said they’ll spend as much as it takes to turn around opinion.

“We have an increasing reliance of the mining industry on advertising to win support for their processes instead of on good science and work practices,” he said.
Contact: Max Phillips - 9230 2202  or  0419 444 916


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