Seismic testing kills scallops in Bass Strait

Jeremy with fishermen

In 2010, fishermen in Bass Strait reported the death of 24,000 tonnes of scallops worth $70 million after seismic testing carried out by the Victorian Government.


Click here to listen to ABC Radio story:


Concerns for Newcastle fisheries

Now Advent Energy are planning to conduct seismic testing for oil and gas off the coast of Newcastle, in one of the best fishing areas which locals refer to as “The Farm”.

The Greens make no apology for being concerned about the health of our fisheries, and we are not alone. The NSW Department of Primary Industries’ submission on Advent Energy’s proposal to explore for gas off the Newcastle Coast, expresses concern that seismic testing can damage marine creatures and environments. Sonic exploration involves firing an air gun underwater every few seconds. Seismic testing pressure can be 255 decibels – which is 446 times the intensity of a jet engine up close! Sound also travels four times faster underwater.

Blasting one of the best fishing spots off Newcastle with such powerful sonic waves for over a month is a genuine concern. Last year the Commonwealth Fisheries Association nominated seismic testing as a “Key Threatening Process” under the Environment, Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act.

With renewable energy technologies available, we simply do not have to extract every last molecule of fossil fuels and the Greens oppose risking productive fishing grounds unnecessarily.

Click to watch ABC TV News Report on seismic testing damaging marine environments



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